
Certificates held by Kovar are:

Quality management system certification according to ČSN EN ISO 9001 and fusion welding in accordance EN ISO 3834-2

Environmental Management System according to ČSN EN ISO 14001

Occupational Safety and Health Management System according to ISO 45001

Execution of steel structures according EN 1090-2

Welding coordination



Vodafone Company of the Year 2019

Vodafone Company of the Year 2009

Vodafone Company of the Year 2012

Vodafone Company of the Year 2012

Czech Business Pikes 201

3rd place in the prestigious completion “Czech Business Pikes 2012” in Zlín region.


We possess all important certificates. You can find a detailed selection here.

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KOVAR a.s., Leskovec 212, 756 11
Valašská Polanka, Czech Republic
tel. +420 571 425 501, mail@kovar.eu