Social responsibility
In Kovar s.r.o. we all feel a strong obligation towards the region, our customers, suppliers and our staff. The company employs about 240 people of which the majority lives within 8km from the place of work. Thus, the traditionally high unemployment in the surrounding villages is held considerably lower.
At regular intervals, Kovar makes donations to the following organizations:
- Kindergarten and primary school Leskovec
- Primary school Val. Polanka
- Agricultural high school Vsetín
- SŠZaP Rožnov
- Civic group „Úsměv“ („Smile“) Seninka
- Theater company in Hovězí
- Volunteer fire brigade Leskovec
- Josef Trchalík – biker
- Huntsmen Association Vsetín
- Sport Club Valašská Polanka
- Sport Club Sokol Seninka
- Sport Club Leskovec